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Saturday, 5 January 2013

Is Political Power to Youth…a Panacea ?

Is Political Power to Youth…a Panacea ?

It is quite fashionable, in media and intellectual circles, to suggest  that  the youth  brigade should take over politics as a panacea to all the ill afflicting the governance in the country. Indifference towards delivery of services and infrastructure, proclivity for corruption, reluctance to reform and change, and apprehension about technology are some of the ill associated with the present system dominated by  the older generation. Some of the reasons, why young politicians must be given position of serious responsibility  may be-
  • ·         They would be strong advocates for reforms and changes to  the system.
  • ·         Youthful image of a minister will  send an impressive message to  the world.
  • ·         They  can  articulate the vision and aspirations of a young generation.
  • ·         They  would be more willing to use technology  for problem-solving.

No doubt, the young generation is full  of dreams and aspirations, but mere dreams and aspirations do  not create vision and throw up  solution to convert  these dreams into  reality. In the present situation, youth in the political context mostly means a group of people in a defined age-bracket having political pedigree . Having brought up in a cozy environment, they hardly  know the harsh reality   of an ordinary  young  Indian.
Whether youth or elderly, the policy-makers should essentially possess certain attributes. It is very important to have an empathetic attitude towards the common people. The policy-makers should develop the capability to  think through the competing solution and to pragmatically evaluate the problem solving inputs in a proper perspective. It  is not important to  always say something; it is more important to have something useful and genuine to say. The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge.

To conclude, political power to youth is no panacea. What the country  really needs for good governance, is not just youth leaders but  leaders who empathize with the common people , particularly the vulnerable section of the society. They  should have unencumbered commitment, uncluttered vision and the vigour to  lead and mobilize the country towards progress and prosperity.  

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