Blogging and other Social Networking Platforms are integral to Good Communication Skills?

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Why should you blog

In this age of technology and virtual awareness, blogs have become an integral part of one's "virutal-socio" setup. Many people who like to write and express themselves are not limited only to Facebook and Twitter. Blogs are slowly and steadily substituting the time one spends on social networking websites. I don't know about you, but for me it surely is !  Be it a school going kid, a business professional or even a home-maker, all have a blog for themselves. A school going kid may share his day to day experiences, a business pro may share his knowledge on marketing while a home maker can make her recipes go international !

Blogs have become a powerful way of communication. One can reach the masses and show them their skills. It is a place where one can say and be heard. And with powerful tools like Wordpress, Blogger, creating a blog is no more rocket science ! A blog can be setup in minutes and one can get blogging right away. Just a couple of days back one of my friends started his blog..

Anyways, blogging has a lot of benefits. After being actively blogging for over a year now, I'm aware if its benefits. I take pride in what I do and that makes me feel good.

First of all, it helps one to improve their writing skills. When you know that what you are writing will be read by millions of people out there, you surely will ensure that things are right. It also helps you enhance your vocabulary. Once you start writing frequently, you will realize the benefits of 'thesaurus' that will take your article to the next level.

The happiest moment after you have written a post is when someone appreciates it. You know, the person liking or commenting on a post genuinely likes what you have written and that he/she is a complete stranger to you, which is a sign of unbiased feedback. Which is what is needed ! And this boosts your confidence and thus encourages you to write more.

So what are you waiting for ? Get blogging, the blogosphere will be more than happy to welcome you ! If you are starting a blog or already have one, do share it, I would love to have a look at it and maybe get a chance to learn something new !

You can visit my blog or follow me on Twitter.

À bientôt!

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