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Tuesday, 11 March 2014


4 years in Amity

A journey it was and a journey it is. My life started as a toddler where i was blessed by all my loved ones, went to school for all the lovely days and times that imparted me priceless knowledge. And then came college, the 4 years i will always cherish, the 4 years that made me what i am not to forget what i will be. This day is indeed a very proud and happy moment for me today but the sadness and pain of being parted from this amazing life, amazing institution makes my heart bleed.

My first days in college were the ones where i kept myself aloof from all the lucrative people and happenings in the classroom. Alone i swept through the corridors with a fear of being unknown, with a fear of being alone in the massive crowd of aspiring minds. But then came the day when i met and made history, I made my friends. Initially they seemed to a bunch of Delhi kids living the college life as they wanted, but later we created the most memorable and the unexplainable crazy moments of our lives. Till day i feel as if these 4 years flew away like the sands of time. The teachers, my mentors, my guides, my light of the future cannot be left out in these heartfelt words. All the knowledge they have imparted in the best possible ways, bearing our super irritating and mind boggling questions and funny tricks,  is priceless. There aren’t enough words in my dictionary that can describe the gratitude and respect that i would like to bestow upon them.

The final months on amity, the so called final years of amity taught me a lot about my life. Being the times when i had to get my work done by telling all minds of stories to the teachers, or getting grades by the clear way of working hard. The final days taught me the value of VALUES that exist in our lives. The time when i was haunted by the fear of getting a zero in my JAVA internals and tried to show my friend’s assignment but which turned out to be a big mistake. It was sheer apology and an assignment done by my own hands that ultimately fetched me marks. Surprisingly i never forgot a word from that assignment and worked wonders for the major examination.

This speech may never see its end, my experiences will always fall short of words and time will always knock on the my doors reminding me of my constraints. But the time has come where i have to bid farewell to this awesome phase of my life. This milestone of the journey has given me experiences that are unforgettable. I look down upon you all to see smiles and tears on faces altogether. My feelings are inexpressible, but my words may have given a look of the storm inside my heart.  A big salute to all the ones like me who travelled this journey along with me, a big thanks to all the ones who supported me endlessly and a big hug to everyone here. We still have a long way to go ahead. A journey it was, A journey it is.

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