Blogging and other Social Networking Platforms are integral to Good Communication Skills?

Friday 25 October 2013

Social Media & advantages

Facts about Social Media:
1. The amount of video uploaded to YouTube every minute is 1 crore per minute
2.  1,000,000,000  the amount of content  (web links, new stories, blog posts, comments, notes, photos etc.) shared each week on Facebook
3.   412.3  years The length of time it would take to view every YouTube Video
5. More than 13,000,000 number of articles available on Wikipedia
6.  3,000,000  The average number of Tweets per day on
7.  95% companies use Linkedin

Advantages of Social Media:
1    1.  It reaches out to a large audience

2    2. It easy and effective

3    3.     It helps spread mass awareness

4    4. It helps in educational field , jobs and organizing large scale events 
5.      5. Connections
Social media networks are designed for the purpose of communal connections. Today’s people are accessing Facebook, Twitterand even Instagram to connect and share with those around them. One of the most interesting things about social media is that users can interact and engage with each oter solely through a Web presence, perhaps never even meeting in person.
6.      Knowledge
Social media users share among themselves day in and day out, giving and receiving information at rapid speeds. This information is more than funny cat videos; they share views and opinions; tips, tricks, and even DIY projects; and, among students, helpful information for classes. Their ability to assess, analyze, retain and share information is skyrocketing and they often don’t even realize they’re developing these skills. Only people born before the Internet was invented are likely to understand the magnitude of this new style of communication.
7.      Social Media Marketing
The advent and dominance of social media has created a new breed of marketing, which has required professionals to build and further the field. As social media users join the workforce, they bring their skills to their careers. Social media prepares young workers to become great marketers. It has become essential for major businesses to include a social media marketing strategy and students today are the people filling these positions.

While older generations might not completely understand or agree with the amount of social media activity by today’s student population, they will quickly benefit from it. As technology advances, so does the way the world works with it. Members of the young workforce are keeping up to speed with many forms of social media. 

- Jesse Varghise

social communication and technical communication

social communication refers to using the so-called social media. Social communication may be for a field of study that primarily explores the ways information can be perceived, transmitted and understood, and the impact those ways will have on a society.
The various types of social communication are:
Ø  Formal and informal
Ø  Verbal and non verbal
Ø  Technological aid
Ø  One to one
Ø  Group
Ø  Sign language
Ø  Signs and symbols
Ø  Written  
Ø  Using objects  
Social communication It is the foundation of any organization and plays a large role in the process through exchange of ideas, wants, desires, feelings, and much more. Effective communication helps any relationship to grow and with synergic benefits
Technical communication primarily consists of reporting specialized information. It is for the practical use of readers/listeners who need that information.
various techniques like analyzing, defining, describing ,illustrating , researching and abstracting are used to prepare technical reports. One should avoid simple words, needless jargons, trite expression or clichés.
 It thus focuses on the subject and not the writer or speaker. It is  the product of writer who fully understands the subject

- unnati singh

Case Study on Facebook

Facebook is one of those social media websites that has gained popularity among masses ranging from teenagers to old age people. From sharing how one feels to where one goes and clicks photos about, Facebook has become an integral part of everybody’s life.
The site, which is available in 37 different languages, includes public features such as:
·         Marketplace - allows members to post, read and respond to classified ads.
·         Groups - allows members who have common interests to find each other and interact.
·         Events - allows members to publicize an event, invite guests and track who plans to attend.
·         Pages - allows members to create and promote a public page built around a specific topic.
·         Presence technology - allows members to see which contacts are online and chat.

Knowledge of Facebook comes from either using it as a social media or hearing about its famous CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. In most cases, it takes literally several decades to develop an exceptional company that has a unique set of talent management practices that produce phenomenal business results. However, it is not the case in Facebook. This is possible in such a huge Organization because employees are considered as a high value corporate asset. Management techniques and an effective user interface make it a success in everyday lives of a common man.

- Shaaleen Goel, 7CSE4(Y), A2324710010

Disadvantages of Social Media

Social media has lately been an integrated part of everyone’s life. According to a survey by a company, people were asked to live without there smartphones for 48 hours. 23% of the total people failed to do so. Out of the remaining 77% who survived, 46% logged in to one social network or the other when then were handed over their cell phone after 48 hours. Social networks have clutched the wrists of the common man so hard that they have inadvertently become addicted to it. People have been using social networks to pour out every emotion of theirs, which can be annoying sometimes as well. Whining over a break up, having a new sibling, child, getting a new gadget are some of the billion examples people use the social networks for. Also there can be some unexpected cases of abuse of social media where the giants like Facebook, LinkedIn, sell our private database to the telemarketing sites. Recently we came across the case where a girl was arrested to write an offensive status against Mr. Raj Thackery. Such instances were not in the scene a few years ago. All in all we can say that social networking has some pros and some cons but the cons are currently overshadowing the so called pros.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Effective communication skills

Effective communication skills are very important in all aspects of life, be it work  or in relationships. People in organizations typically spend a major part of their time in interacting with people. Thus it is no surprise to find that at the root of a large number of organizational problems is poor communications. This is most obvious in cross-cultural situations where language is an issue.
But it is also common among people of the same culture. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intergroup, organizational, or external levels. Also in developing social relationships, communication skills are of utmost importance. Proper communication skills help people in understanding each other and work together towards a goal.
Often a person wants to say something but communicates something totally different through vocal intonation and body language. These mixed signals force the receiver to choose between the verbal and nonverbal parts of the message, which may not help to get ones message across to that individual because most often, the receiver chooses the nonverbal aspects.
There are a number of situations when you need to solicit good information from others; these situations include interviewing candidates, solving work problems, seeking to help an employee on work performance, and finding out reasons for performance discrepancies at work. In society it helps in judging an individuals ability to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds.
Mixed messages create tension and distrust because the receiver senses that the communicator is hiding something or is being less than candid. Thus one must understand that communication skills are not only important to develop an impression on the other person and get the required work done, but also to not get a bad idea about themselves in society.

7CSE -4 (X BATCH )

Raunaq Aneja-A2305210067
Suraj Bhatt- A2035210200
Siddharth Sethia- A2305210223

   JOB INTERVIEW: A process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization, or firm.
During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job.

o   Re-read your resume.
o   Prepare questions to ask and to be asked.
o   Work out clothes to wear.
o   Rehearse interview.
o   Work out a strategy for dealing with stress.
o   Read vacancy details, employer's literature - what they are and what they want.
o   Tell me about yourself.
o   What experience do you have in this field?
o   Do you consider yourself successful?
o   What do you know about this organization?
o   Why do you want to work for this organization?
o   How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
o   Explain how you would be an asset to this organization.
·       DO’S OF AN INTERVIEW:           
o   Start it off like a winner.
§  The handshake.
§  Posture.
§  Don't Fidget.
§  Eye Contact.
§  Move your hands.
o   Be comfortable.
o   Listen attentively.
o   Speak clearly.
o   While giving answers to questions:
§           Be Concise.
§           Provide Examples.
§           Be Honest.
o   Say thank you.
o   Follow up.
o   Don't Prepare.
o   Dress Inappropriately.
o   Poor Communication Skills.
o   Too Much Communication.
o   Don't Talk Enough.
o   Fuzzy Facts.
o   Give the Wrong Answer.
·       FIRST 5 MINUTES:
o   The first impression counts and that's a fact.
o   The first 5 minutes are crucial for any interview. Decisions of hiring or not hiring you is made by the interviewer.
o   Don't blame others.
o   Sell yourself.
o   Keep your praise & observations credible & realistic.
o   Answer questions directly.
o   Be prepared.
o   Watch your body language.