Blogging and other Social Networking Platforms are integral to Good Communication Skills?

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Social Media

What do you think when you hear.."social media"?
For the past one week we have done our best to answer one simple question.. "WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA"?
Officially social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio.
Its a fancy way to describe zillions of conversations people are having 24/7.
-Because 3 out of 4 among us use social technology.
-Because 2/3rd of global population visits social network.
-Because visiting social sites is now the 4rth most popular online activity- ahead of personal email.
-And because dear friends, media is democratizing communication. BIG TIME.
In 2012, if you're not on social sites, you're not on the internet. Its not a fad, but a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. In fact social media is redefining virtually everything, including:
How we work,
How we play,
How we learn,
How we share,
How we discover,
How we create,
How we complain,
How we celebrate,
How we mourn,
How we applaud,
How we influence,
How we collaborate,
How we investigate and
How we evaluate.

All media is now social media!

Sarah Bal


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