Blogging and other Social Networking Platforms are integral to Good Communication Skills?

Thursday 20 February 2014

Global Times



Maths is not only around us but with us . Its an inseparable part of our live . want to know how  :

Interesting facts

§  Average adult heart beats 72 times a minute , 100000 times a day, 3600000 times a year an 2.5 million times during a life time.

§  A healthy heart pumps 2000 gallons of blood each day

§  The heart  produces enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles.

§  A human body has about 5.6 liters of blood which circulates through body 3 times every minute.

§  Your heart is roughly the size of your fist

Maths in Pacemaker

A pacem maker is a small device which is placed in abdomen or chest to help control abnormal heart rhythms . Using electrical impulses it helps the heart to beat at a normal rate. .Its invention has increased the survival rate of humans.

Mathematical modeling and heart

§  Mathematical models are used in electrical conductance , excitation and muscle contraction which can extend value of diagnostic  measurements and planning of treatment of heart failure.

§  Mathematical modeling is used to measure stress distribution in human body.

Math in exercise

Exercise uses up a lot of energy which the cells derive from oxidizing glucose . Both oxygen & glucose have to be delivered by blood, which means heart has to beat faster than normal. When we do vigorous exercise heart rate can increase dramatically which in turn can result in an increase in blood flow.


Article 2 :  Thank you mat kaho……

…… instead , teen logo ki madad karo ….. Remember Salman’s famous dialogue from Jai Ho ??

Some people actually follow this philosophy

A cuppa can bring smile

‘affe sospeso’ or suspended coffee from Naples gives brand new dimension .to coffee. Its wonderful tradition where a customer at a café paya for 2 or more cups of coffee oe even food – on for himself and the others for some unfortunates. 

The Baristas would manage regular log & serve a cup of suspended coffee for free to anyone who would ask ,” Is there anything suspended?”

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